National Public Health Week

  • April 03, 2017
  • April 09, 2017
  • United States

Information from the American Public Health Association:


We can create the healthiest nation in eight steps. Let the National Public Health Week website show you how.


APHA organizes the annual observance to recognize the contributions and importance of public health, which this year will be hosted from April 3-9. Check out our fact sheets to help inform everyone, from policymakers to the general public, of what we must look at to give everyone the opportunity to be healthy — and how we can do it.


During the first full week of April each year, APHA brings together communities across the United States to observe National Public Health Week as a time to recognize the contributions of public health and highlight issues that are important to improving our nation. For nearly 20 years, APHA has served as the organizer of NPHW. Every year, the Association develops a national campaign to educate the public, policymakers and practitioners about issues related to each year's theme. APHA creates new NPHW materials each year that can be used during and after NPHW to raise awareness about public health and prevention. 


We all have a role in supporting a strong public health system and in putting prevention to work in our lives.


Visit the NPHW website