The $3,000 Challenge NOW - Nov. 16!

  • November 09, 2017
  • 12:01 AM
  • November 16, 2017
  • 11:59 PM

Dear MPHA Members and Friends,

Minnesota’s largest giving holiday, Give to the Max Day is just one week away.  In support of this, MPHA is proud to announce a special gifts challenge: our Past Presidents & current Governing Council members have generously pledged $3,000 for a Leadership Challenge Fund!  This is the second year in a row of the challenge, and the value is double of last year! 

The Minnesota Public Health Association, a 501(c)(3) non-profit, is an active, independent, and trusted voice for public health in Minnesota.  We are a volunteer driven organization with a mission to create a healthier Minnesota through effective public health practice and engaged citizens.

Whether you’ve attended our annual conference, woken up early on a Friday morning to come to a policy forum meeting (or watched it on Facebook Live!), advocated for a particular issue spurred by the policy committee, referred a colleague to become a member, read our informative newsletter, engaged in health equity work, made new friends at a volunteering event as you cleaned up trash or helped repackage food donations, mentored a public health student, represented MPHA on a coalition with one of our public health partners, watched the 110th Anniversary video made this spring, or simply appreciate being connected to this community of public health professionals…. please consider participating in this special matching gifts challenge!

How do you participate?

NOW – November 16th, please visit our campaign page at:

Want to give MPHA a chance to receive an additional $1,000 donation? On November 16th, every gift made on will be entered into an hourly drawing for a $1,000 GiveMN Golden Ticket to be awarded to a nonprofit organization. Your gift of $10 or more could instantly turn into an extra $1,000!

On top of this, one donation made on during the Give to the Max campaign will be randomly selected to receive a $10,000 Super-Sized GiveMN Golden Ticket!

Your generous support will be used for:

1. Scholarship Support - Because access to independent, reliable, and up-to-date information should be available to all (regardless of ability to pay). Support need-based scholarships to MPHA events. (e.g. Annual Conference, Policy Forums).

2. Event Support - Because program and knowledge sharing is important as we strive to assure the public’s health, event sponsorship assists in bringing practitioners together to discuss the future of public health.  For example, our 2017-2018 MPHA "Public Health Matters" Policy Forum Series: "Who Can You Trust?", will explore ideas about trust in the increasing number of choices we make to achieve and maintain our health.

3. Unrestricted Support - Because MPHA needs to support its members, while maintaining flexibility to focus on emerging and recurring priorities. Your support provides an ability for MPHA to provide essential communications through its website, support public health student internships, and participate in community outreach and coalition partnerships.

Your gift today, is vital to helping us reach our $3000 campaign goal, to make a $6,000 impact on MPHA. Contributions at any level are appreciated!

With gratitude,

MPHA Development Task Force