
Minnesota Public Health Association:

The independent voice of public health in Minnesota for over 100 years!

Join MPHA for:

Networking & Involvement

Opportunities to network one-on-one with over 400 leaders in Minnesota public health careers through educational, social, and community volunteering events.

Advocacy & Leadership

Sign up for email updates on policy issues through the Policy & Advocacy Committee listserv or Action Alerts. Add your voice to a Lobby Day with MPHA. Offer subject matter expertise to the public. Act as a liaison to one of MPHA's coalition partners.

Educational & Professional Development

Participate in events such as the MPHA Annual Meeting, Policy Forums, and National Public Health Week activities. 

Build leadership and involvement by joining an MPHA committee: Annual Meeting, Communications, Development Task Force, Global Health, Health Equity, History, Leadership, Membership, Policy and Advocacy, or Policy Forum Committee, and/or running for the Governing Council Board.

MPHA is proud to offer a limited number of student internships for committee work.

Get involved in your local community of public health professionals with MPHA today!

Our mission is to engage and develop our members to mobilize the community to protect and improve the public’s health.

What some of our members say about their
experience with MPHA:

MPHA provides an outlet for advocacy, making it easy for me to be involved. The policy committee saves me time by keeping track of health related issues going through the Legislature each year.”
– State employee

“For a long time, just having ‘MPHA member’ on my resume was worth the annual fee, but getting involved with a committee has been rewarding and has given me experience that helps my career.
– Governing council member

MPHA’s annual conference is a good way to find out what colleagues are up to in other parts of the state. The policy forums are timely and thoughtfully address important public health topics.
– Metro MPHA member