Registration is open for the 2024 Minnesota Rural Health Conference, which will be held on June 17-18 at the Duluth Entertainment Convention Center. The theme of this year’s conference is “Working Together, Building Our Future.”
The two-day event is designed to support, connect, and inspire rural health professionals and leaders from across the state — health care executives, providers, educators, health professions students, state government officials, policy analysts and researchers, elected officials, community members, and others — as they work toward the goal of building healthy communities.
The conference features more than 20 interactive sessions: two keynote speakers, two plenary sessions, the Minnesota Rural Health Association Policy Forum, an awards ceremony, and a total of 15 breakout sessions.
The conference is hosted by the Minnesota Department of Health, the Office of Rural Health and Primary Care, the Minnesota Rural Health Association, and the National Rural Health Resource Center.
Register Now
For more information about the conference — including registration, scholarships, an overview of conference sessions, and exhibitor and sponsorship opportunities — visit minnesotaruralhealthconference.org. Questions about the conference can be directed to ruralhealthconference@ruralcenter.org.